
Home / UEFI

MasCN uses UEFI as the basis for MasCNBoot.

Using UEFI may result in not being compatible with older computers.

Selecting UEFI as the development basis of the boot program can reduce the development difficulty and complete the development of MasCNBoot program in a short time.

On the other hand, UEFI can be used to call more interfaces, but also use the corresponding compiler tools, save the time of developing compiler tools.

UEFI or grub

In fact, before developing a MasCN boot with UEFI, try developing a boot with grub.

Later, because UEFI development instructions are more and more difficult, UEFI development is used instead.

If necessary, development can be carried out at a later time at the same time as the kernel part of MasCN.

The UEFI interface used

When transmitting certain parameters required by the bootloader, the GOP protocol is often used to transmit.

The site is co-developed by MasCN developers and is maintained by Oringes9235, the project sponsor, and hosted on github.com
